Rooted, I used to think.

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Purgatory - Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019
Day Fifteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Fourteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Thirteen - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019
Atonement - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019

2002-03-19 @ 9:06 p.m.
Things are lookin' up.

I rolled out of bed into my jogging outfit. Purple toque and electric blue magic minis. Green fleece tights. Navy sweatshirt. Winter jogging is not a sexy thing.

Snow covered the path completely. Every step was a gentle and satisfying crunch. Squirrels played rowdily above in the trees, sending down heavy clumps of slush. The batteries in my discman died halfway along, and I rediscovered the quietness that comes with a snowfall.

Shower. Dry hair. Trek to class.

I pretended to not see him. Note-borrower genetics boy. Todd. I'm sure he saw me. I glanced over a couple times, and I was surprised to feel my heart beat a little faster.

The next class contained my given-up-on lab partner crush. I gathered my things to leave and bustled up the stairs out of the lecture theatre. I looked up, and there he was. Smiling. He asked me "What are your plans for... the summer?". I thought he was going to say friday night or something. It was rather disappointing. So we walked around a bit together, chatting. I can't figure him out. I know he's single now. Still, it really made my day to have him talk to me again. Just when I'd given up hope...

AND two serious job opportunities. Made the 2nd round in both of the interviews. We'll see. Life is interesting.

Oh ya, one more thing from Saturday night: We were sitting in a booth at the Plaza and Eric seems to be struggling with something. I nudge him and ask "What's up?". He holds up his hand, and his finger is very much stuck in the top of his beer bottle. My stomach ached with laughter, and eventually we yanked it off. It looked like it hurt. A lot. Later, he wrestled me trying to get my finger stuck in there too, but I was much too sober and Eric's not that big of a guy.

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