Rooted, I used to think.

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Purgatory - Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019
Day Fifteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Fourteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Thirteen - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019
Atonement - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019

2002-03-26 @ 2:40 p.m.
Pacific Spirit

Sun low in winter haze.
Long shadows are hurdles
	for me to jump over
As I dash admidst the cedars.

Salal glistens off the trail.
Leaves crumbling into rich soil,
	soft beneath my feet.

I'm a theif in these woods:
	stealing glimpses of birds
		roosting up high
	drinking the humid air

Turn the corner right
	enter a dark cathedral.
Turn the corner left
	enter an airy maple island.
Sidestep windfallen log.

Wind passes through above
sending down rain and leaves.
I'm in a snowstorm of leaves
	blowing up from the ground
		spinning down from above.

I smile.
My mind clears.
Perspective is found;

The woods are real.
	Stress is so far away.
		This is where LIFE is
			This is where
				I am.

Roots | Shoots