Rooted, I used to think.

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Purgatory - Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019
Day Fifteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Fourteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Thirteen - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019
Atonement - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019

2002-03-31 @ 10:31 a.m.
This Summer

Eh, enough poetry for a while. I'll stick to ultra-descriptive narratives :) Yesterday I was walking around and noticed patterns and numbers in everything. If you really think about it, it becomes overwhelming. Everything in nature had some calculation governing its form; the laws of physics rule everywhere, not just in textbooks and in laboratories.

Went to check out The Place today. The kitchen is painted a bright yellow with orange trim, and the bedroom is painted baby blue. The barn cat has figured out how to open the sliding windows; the suite comes with a pet!

The suites were originally built for the milkers when there was a full herd of cows. It explains a lot about the design of the place: strange corners, three doors to the bathroom, and linoleum flooring.

The ceilings are blissfully high, and an entire wall is floor-to-ceiling windows. There is no cable. Who needs TV? Maybe I'll find some rabbit ears to be able to watch some fuzzy single-digit channels.

Night skiing yesterday. Grids of orange lights define the city. Urban sprawl. Dark voids where the ocean sneaks in around the land.

There will be a beloved. I will have the keys to the Field. Therein lies the woodlot and orchard. Heritage apple trees and thick heavy country scents. We'll steal though the night, past the heady sheep barn, and our laughter will echo out over the 80 acre wonderland. We'll lock the gate behind us. The moon will light the way, and we'll hold hands to steady each other in case of uneven footing. He'll shiver with the coolness of the night and with the excitement of our adventure. Wrapped up in a textile bundle we'll wish on the stars that fall. I'll feel his warm breath on my neck. The world will turn slowly. Perhaps we'll fall asleep there, or perhaps we'll race home to sleep in my bed.

Where is he?

On thursday I was driving my Ford minivan, listening to JRFM, wearing my overalls, to go grab some brake fluid from Wal-mart. Oh, man, when did I become such a redneck? Furthermore I'd spent the morning scrubbing chicken coops.... I think I need to go for a real yuppie-ish run along kits beach in MEC fleece and spandex to make up for it..

Roots | Shoots