Rooted, I used to think.

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Purgatory - Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019
Day Fifteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Fourteen - Saturday, Feb. 09, 2019
Day Thirteen - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019
Atonement - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2019

2002-08-18 @ 9:28 a.m.
Happy Hour

This is how Fridays should be. We went for Beers after work. But that's not the right place in the story to start.

We had a going away party for 4 coworkers this afternoon. One of my coworkers, we'll call him Gimpy, broke his collarbone and has his arm in a sling. I also have a teensy schoolyard crush on him. So we are at the party chowing down on the feast, and someone suggests that Gimpy could stash food in his sling for later consumption. I suggested: "Fried chicken!"

I later ran into him by the water cooler. He needed help due to his gimpyness. "You got fried chicken to trade for a helping hand?" OK, so it doesn't sound the least bit funny here. But my stomach was aching with laughing, and I think he was laughing just as hard AT me.

Furthermore, there is this long standing joke going around at work that Gimpy and I are 'dating'. I quite like this little game.

So we are sitting at Beers, my 'boyfriend' beside me, our legs touching. Someone mentions, "Well, it's good to see that you talk now!" I explained that I can only converse in groups of less than 5. When the group reached 8 people, I became mute. They found this artifact amusing.

When the bill is payed, my boss heads to his car, and Gimpy and I head back to my car. Then boss is running after us... he'd left his lights on: battery dead. He had no jumper cables - I did. Co-op student saves stranded boss and drives hot Gimpy coworker home.

Mmmmm crushes are the best way to get though the daily grind.

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